Plants for Birds
Sharing ideas to create a bird friendly habitat with native plants
Watch this video about planting a native garden.
St. Johns Regional Audubon is delighted to announce the creation of our new Plants for Birds Program led by Master Gardener, Laurie Gilmore.
You can contact Laurie at plantsforbirds@stjohnsaudubon.com

American Goldfinch on Red Cedar

Native Florida Landscape Design Series
The Florida Native Plant Society (FNPS) developed a 3-part “Native Florida Landscape Design Series.” FNPS has created a playlist link to the series for St. Johns Audubon Chapter to view at your leisure.
The series is filled with all the basic information you need to know to create a native landscape in your yard or your community.
The presenter is Karina Veaudry. She has been a Native Plant Landscape Architect for over 32 years and is President of the Pine Lily Chapter of Florida Native Plant Society. The content of each series is listed below:
We are thrilled and thankful to the FNPS for creating this excellent playlist. We believe you will enjoy the entire presentation.
Following the 3-part series is an additional presentation by Doug Tallamy entitled “A Guide to Restoring the Little Things that Run the World.” In this presentation Dr. Tallamy discusses why it is vitally important to add native plants to our landscapes for the good of the insects and to our own health.
This was recorded by the Florida Wildflower Foundation.
Want to purchase native plants in St. Johns County?
Providers of large selection of Native Plants in our area that we know of:
Native Plant Consulting
Phone: 904-671-2880
Email: info@nativeplantconsulting.com
Web site: www.nativeplantconsulting.com
Southern Horticulture
Phone: 904-471-0440
Email: None
Web Site: www.southernhorticultureflorida.com
Chiappini Farm Native Nursery
Phone: 352-475-5413
Email: dchiapin@atlantic.net
Website: www.chiappinifarm.com
National Audubon Society also has a native plant database

Cardinal on American Holly

Female Bluebird on Yaupon Holly